Frequently Asked Questions

What is Unimos?

Unimos is a digital platform that helps students and clients to find, book, and attend online video sessions. Service providers and teachers can create these sessions, receive payments and attend their online video sessions, all in one place.

See our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions pages for details.

What is the cost?

To the service provider, unimos charges a fixed fee and a percentage for each session booked on the platform. These fees are nonrefundable but there is no charge or subscription fee for using, so you only pay for what you use.

The fixed fee charged for each session booked on Unimos is €0.25 (EUR) and the session provider will receive a maximum of 95% of the booking price, with the percentage varying on a per-session basis and displayed to the provider when creating and editing the session.

Payment processing is handled through the Stripe payment gateway. Users are encouraged to review Stripe's terms and conditions and contact Stripe directly for payment-related inquiries.

Providers, register now to get your first 10 sessions completely FREE!

How do I get set up?

In the top Menu, click Account and Register. Then input your Name, Email address, Password, Country and Time-zone.

Details Tab - Now you can set up your profile. Include your chosen image and a Biography to let others know something about yourself.

As a provider you can click Become a Provider to create your company name and select which category your service belongs to. You can create multiple company names for different services you offer. Your rating per company will update each time you have a session and the Client rates you.

Calendar tab - Here you will see what you have sessions booked. You can click on a session to begin your video call up to 15 minutes before the start time.

As a provider you can create your sessions giving them a name, session length, buffer time between sessions, and session cost to the client. You can also view and edit existing sessions you have created, and set when those sessions are available.

Chat tab - Here you can see all of your chats between service providers and clients, even before a session is booked.

Payments tab - Add your preferred bank card to pay for sessions when you book them. This will reserve your session.

As a Provider you can enter the Stripe system to save the details of the bank account you want to get paid to.

The 'at a glance' box is always available to keep you up to date with upcoming sessions and to alert you of new chats and payments.

Are my financial details secure?

Your financial details are not seen or stored by unimos, but are securely held using the Stripe payments system. Stripe is certified as a Level 1 Service Provider, which is the highest level of certification for payment processors. Stripe complies with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), a set of security standards established by major card brands like Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.

For more details go to

When does a Provider get paid?

When the client has selected the session they would like to attend, the payment they make reserves the session. This is paid directly into your Stripe account where you can configure your payouts.

How do I find the right session for me?

In the search bar, type in what session you would like to connect to.

What if I need to cancel a booked session?

Send a message to [email protected]. If the session start time is more than 24 hours away an email notification will be send to both parties and a full refund will be processed. If the client cancels with less than 24 hours to the session start time, the email notification will ask the Provider to confirm if a refund is permitted. A session cancelled by the Provider always results in a refund.

What about other questions I would like answered?

Feel free to share them with us below and we will try and answer them for you!